Friday, July 16, 2010

Herbal Medicines Agency Deodorizing

1. Leaf beluntas (Pluchea Indica)
Plants commonly used as live fences has unique character and taste bitter unpleasant smells. Leaves and flowers contain alkali which acts as an antiseptic. Other levels of the chemical between the amino (leucine, isoleucine, tryptophan, threonine), fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A and C. To get rid of body odor, usually eaten raw beluntas leaves or steamed first. Beluntas of boiled leaves are also delicious eaten as urap (vegetables with spiced grated coconut). If accustomed to eat the leaves beluntas, body odor will disappear. In addition, less savory smell of the mouth that would be lost. For those who do not like, can drink water boiled with the leaves every morning and evening. Beluntas also useful for lowering the body temperature cools the body so much sweat that comes out and the body temperature to drop.

2. Rhizome of Curcuma (Curcuma xanthorrhiza)
Substances contained in the curcuma is sapomin, flavoinoida and essential oils to eliminate body odor. The trick is to drink a decoction of ginger rhizome has finely chopped. Of ginger juice that has been shredded with a little honey can also be drunk to eliminate the odor that comes out of the body. In addition, also of ginger grated can be smeared all over the body, were taken to dry before cleaning for obtain maximum results.

3. Citrus Purut (Citrus bystrix)
Her skin contains essential oils that smell nice. Lime can be used for eliminate body odor by drinking juice mixed with a kaffir lime kencur mashed together with some water.

4. Basil (Ocimun Balisicum)
Active substance contained in a basil leaf also functions as an antiseptic. For
get advantage of this leaf is also used as a raw salad or as vegetable urap who is also raw. Basil leaves also contain substances that may increase appetite ate. For women who are menstruating, if you eat basil leaves roughly one cell in the morning and afternoon during the menstrual period will avoid this smell that often befall women's menstruation.

5. Flowers Etlingera elatior (Nicolaia speciosa)
Active substances contained in them that can eliminate body odor is sapomin, flavoinoida and polyphenols. Etlingera elatior can be exploited by cooking leaves and young edible flowers as a friend to eat rice. In certain regions cooked Etlingera elatiorve as a vegetable.

6. Betel leaf (Piper betle)
Betel leaf which has long been known as a powerful antiseptic also known to contain active substances are able to eliminate body odor. Betel known potent deodorizing body mainly caused bacteria or fungi. Chemical constituents in the essential oil of betel leaf, among others kadinen, kavikol, sineol, eugenol, karvakol and leather substance. To get rid of body odor, one way is to soak a few betel leaves in hot water. After chilling, the water is drunk. Can also be added to white sugar just enough to taste. Another way is to smooth the betel leaf with lime and then applied to the armpits.

7. Clove / Clove (Eugenia aromatica)
Some clove flower bud swell and the water is soaked so drunk. Clove bud boiling water with some brown sugar, can also be fresh and warm drinks at a time when it rains.

8. Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Many Indians believe that if you eat ginger to make them smell sweet. According to Chao Cing Pen of Emperor Shen Nong (3000 BC), fresh ginger can eliminate body odor and bringing it to the spiritual aura. Wedang ginger if consumed regularly can be very helpful to overcome the problem body odor.

9. Cucumber / Cucumber (Cucumis sativus)
One fruit of young cucumber peeled and rubbed into the body and smelling up
repeated after a bath.

10. Lime (Citrus aurantifolia)
Lime juice mixed with a little whiting and then rubbed to a specific section like the armpit believed to expel the unpleasant body odor.

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