Kenikir leaves contain saponin, flavonoida polyphenols and essential oils. Traditionally the leaves are used as medicine appetite, weak stomach, reinforcing the bone and insect repellent.
Shrubs with a height of 75-100 cm and distinctive smell. Stem erect, square, grooved lengthwise, much branched, purplish-green segmented. The leaves are compound, cross face, sharing pinnate, pointed tip, flat edge, 15-25 cm long, green. Compound interest, a hump, at the end of the stem, the stem ± 25 cm long, crown consists of 8 leaf crown, the length of 1 cm, red, stamens form a tube, blackish brown anthers, pistil-haired, green yellow, red. The fruit is hard, the shape of the needle, the tip-haired, young green after dark chocolate. Seeds hard, small, needle shape, ± 1 cm long, black. Roots riding and white.
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