Sayur Kangkung

Friday, February 24, 2012
Kangkung memang daun yang berserat dan cukup sulit untuk dicerna. Orang-orang selama ini sering beranggapan bahwa serat yang sulit dicerna ini menyebabkan tubuh kita membutuhkan lebih banyak oksigen. Logikanya, oksigen yang menuju kepala akhirnya diserap ke perut dan usus untuk membantu pencernaan kangkung.

Kangkung atau Ipomoea reptans terdiri dari dua varietas, yakni kangkung darat yang disebut kangkung cina dan kangkung air yang tumbuh secara alami di sawah, rawa, atau parit. Perbedaan antara kangkung darat dan kangkung air terletak pada warna bunga. Kangkung air berbunga putih kemerah-merahan, sedangkan kangkung darat berbunga putih bersih. Perbedaan lainnya terletak pada bentuk daun dan batang. Kangkung air berbatang dan berdaun lebih besar dibandingkan kangkung darat. Warna batangnya juga bebeda. Kangkung air berbatang hijau, sedangkan kangkung darat berbatang putih kehijau-hijauan. Selain itu, kangkung darat lebih banyak bijinya daripada kangkung air. Itulah sebabnya kangkung darat diperbanyak lewat biji, sedangkan kangkung air diperbanyak dengan menggunakan stek pucuk batang.

Tanaman kangkung berasal dari India, yang kemudian menyebar ke Malaysia, Birma, Indonesia, Cina Selatan, Australia, dan Afrika. Kangkung banyak ditanam di Pulau Jawa, khususnya di Jawa Barat. Kangkung termasuk suku Convolvulaceae atau keluarga kangkung-kangkungan, merupakan tanaman yang tumbuh cepat dan memberikan hasil dalam waktu 4-6 minggu sejak dari benih. Kangkung memiliki kandungan gizi yang cukup tinggi. Selain mengandung vitamin A, B1, dan C, kangkung juga mengandung protein, kalsium, fosfor, besi, karoten, dan sitosterol.

Secara farmakologis, kangkung berperan sebagai antiracun (antitoksik), antiradang, peluruh kencing (diuretik), menghentikan perdarahan (hemostatik), dan sedatif (obat tidur).

  • Mengurangi haid: Daun kangkung (kira-kira setengah kilogram) dicuci dan ditumbuk halus. Lalu tuangkan air setengah gelas. Kemudian saring dan tuangkan 1 sendok makan madu. Minum 1 kali sehari sekaligus.
  • Mimisan: Seikat daun kangkung yang segar dicuci dan ditumbuk halus. Tambahkan sedikit gula dan seduh dengan segelas air panas. Setelah dingin, saring, minum 2 kali sehari.
  • Sakit kepala: Seikat daun kangkung segar direbus dengan 2 gelas air hingga 1 gelas. Kemudian air hasil rebusan tersebut diminum.
  • Ambeien: Segenggam akar kangkung dicuci dan direbus dengan 3 gelas air hingga tersisa setengahnya. Setelah dingin, minum setengah gelas sebanyak 2 kali sehari.
  • Insomnia: Daun kangkung sering dikonsumsi dalam bentuk tumis kangkung tanpa batang.
  • Sakit gigi: Segenggam akar kangkung ditambahkan setengah sendok teh cuka, kemudian direbus dengan 1 gelas air. Gunakan air rebusannya sekaligus 1 kali sehari.
  • Melancarkan air seni: Segenggam akar kangkung direbus dengan 2 gelas air hingga tersisa 1 gelas. Minum air rebusannya sekaligus 1 kali sehari.
  • Menghilangkan ketombe: Seikat daun kangkung direndam semalaman hingga airnya berwarna kebiruan. Lalu, keramas dengan air rendaman. Sebaiknya dilakukan setiap hari.
  • Sembelit dan mual pada ibu hamil: Ibu hamil dianjurkan untuk sering mengkonsumsi tumisan sayur kangkung.
  • Gusi bengkak: 200 gr akar kangkung dicuci bersih, lalu direbus dengan 200 cc air dan 200 cc cuka. Setelah hangat, air rebusan itu digunakan untuk kumur-kumur. Lakukan hal tersebut berulang-ulang.
  • Kapalan: Bagian kulit yang menebal diolesi dengan getah kangkung dan lakukan setiap hari.
  • Kulit gatal karena eksim: Daun kangkung segar dicuci, lalu direbus dengan air secukupnya sekitar 5 menit. Setelah hangat, pakai untuk mencuci bagian yang sakit. Lakukan setiap hari.
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Carrots And Broccoli

In addition to containing fiber and vitamins are good for the body, carrots and broccoli turned out to save other benefits as a cancer fighter. An international team led by scientists from India suggested that the vitamin A found in carrots and broccoli may help reduce pancreatic cancer who had the lowest survival rate of all cancers. Once diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, most patients on average do not survive more than 1 year.

Carrots for health benefits are as follows:
  1. Help lower blood cholesterol levels.
  2. Help defend the body from the risk of cancer, particularly lung cancer, cancer of the larynx (throat), esophagus (throat), prostate, bladder, and cervix (the neck).
  3. Prevent constipation or urinary difficulties.
  4. Helps increase resistance to food poisoning.

For health benefits of broccoli are as follows:
  1. Minimizes the risk of cancer of the esophagus, stomach, colon, lung, larynx, parynx, prostate, mouth and breast.
  2. Help reduce the risk of heart problems and stroke.
  3. Reduce the risk of cataracts.
  4. Helps fight anemia.
  5. Reduce the risk of spina bifida (a type of spinal deformity disorders).
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Wear The Hijab By Face Shape

When you want to start wearing a veil, it never hurts to take the time to learn the shape of your face first. Such as makeup, how to use the veil can be used to correct deficiencies face shape.

Oval face
Oval is the ideal face shape. Characteristic length of the face of almost one and a half times the width of the face and the distance of the forehead, jaw, temples, long chin, cheeks, and everything looks in proportion. Owner of an oval face with all kinds of styles match wearing the headscarf, either embedded in the chin and the neck. They can also use different types of Ciput, both Ciput pet, bandanas, or Ciput arab.

Round and Square face face
Round face marked with the same relative ratio between the length of the width of the face. Besides the jaw bone is usually closed by a cheek. Square face has the same relative ratio between the length and width. It also marked with the same broad forehead with a wide jaw, and form a strong jaw.
Owner of the round and square face should wear a headscarf while embedded in the side of his chin and pulled forward, so a bit over the cheeks and jaw. Avoid wearing a headscarf or veil that covers the child's forehead because it will impress the shorter face.
Avoid wearing style veil pinned on the nape of the neck, because it will further demonstrate the cheeks or jaw. Ciput should wear a pet with a pet form of a rather wide and cover the ears so that the face is longer and oval impression.

Square face length and face
Long face long face character is more than one and a half times the width of the face. The width of the forehead is relatively equal to the width of the jaw. In addition it has a high forehead and long chin dominant. Characteristic triangular face with a face almost as long, only the owner of a triangular face has a wide forehead greater than the width of the jaw.
Owner of a long face should wear a veil or a triangle with the cheeks and jaw pulled back or pinned at the nape of the force to face a wider impression. Avoid wearing style that pulled to the front hood covering his cheeks and jaw as it would add to the impression of thin and long.
Children should wear a veil or scarf that covers the forehead so that the impression of length is reduced, and the face look more oval. When using Ciput pet use that has the size of a small pet and only reached the top of the ear so that the face is not seen grow thin.
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Kecerdasan Anak Dari Lahir

Thursday, February 23, 2012
Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat kecerdasan anak, antara lain:

1. Genetik
Salah satu faktor yang menjadi penentu kecerdasan janin adalah faktor genetik dari orangtua. Orangtua yang pintar biasanya akan memiliki anak yang cerdas, karena genetik memiliki kontribusi yang paling besar dalam pengaruh kecerdasan janin.

2. Kecukupan gizi
Faktor lain yang sangat berpengaruh adalah gizi yang cukup selama masa kehamilan. Kesadaran orangtua akan pentingnya asupan gizi yang cukup sangat berpengaruh pada perkembangan otak anak, dan membuat anak menjadi cerdas. Asupan yang sangat berpengaruh untuk kecerdasan anak adalah asam folat, omega-3, dan berbagai vitamin lainnya. Kebutuhan gizi ini bisa diperoleh dari bahan makanan seperti kacang-kacangan, buah, dan sayur. Asupan ini sangat diperlukan terutama pada trimester pertama, karena saat inilah perkembangan otak anak terjadi. Sayangnya, meski sudah banyak menyantap makanan sehat ini, kadang-kadang ibu masih kekurangan vitamin dan mineral yang dibutuhkan. Hal ini disebabkan rusaknya zat-zat gizi tersebut akibat kesalahan dalam pengolahan makanan. Sebagai alternatifnya, ibu hamil sebaiknya mengonsumsi suplemen yang mengandung AHA dan DHA.

3. Stimulasi musik
Banyak yang meyakini, musik bisa membantu merangsang kecerdasan anak. Anda tidak harus membatasi diri dengan mendengarkan musik klasik saja. Semua jenis musik ternyata bisa digunakan untuk menstimulasi kecerdasan anak, dan bisa dilakukan sejak masa kehamilan 24 minggu. Stimulasi musik bisa membuat anak memiliki daya ingat yang lebih baik ketika dewasa.
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Lempuyang the size of a thumb or digepuk dikeprek then boiled and water drunk was helpful. Sore throat is often not dare to appear again. The children were free to enjoy ice cream again.
The only concern of a mother, when his son should enter the dormitory in a school is a sore throat is often disturbing. If the child's endurance is not good, such as being tired because of many activities, just a little ice water will instantly inflamed throat. At such times, the tonsils will be swollen, reddened throat, and pain when used for swallowing. If it were so, it should immediately ask for antibiotics so as not to deteriorate.

Yeah, right. Less than four months in residence, mother's son had been exposed to strep throat twice. Although some practical recipes, such as gargling salt water, have been tried, it still must be given antibiotic drugs to cure it. On the advice of a friend, a mother gives her child's lempuyang. Not too complicated to process lempuyang easily available on the market was so ready to be served as a drug. "Just take a piece lempuyang adult size of your thumb and digepuk or dikeprek, boiled in three cups of water. Wait until only one cup of water, drink it down. Lempuyang drinking boiled it until seven days in a row. To add flavor, can mix one tablespoon of honey every time a drink. To six months, no recurrence of her throat. His nose is also not often incompressible. Whereas before, at least three months of strep throat problems that always come.

Lempuyang Emprit, Elephant, and the Fragrant: lempuyang plants there are three types, namely lempuyang CVD (Zingiber amaricans L), lempuyang elephant (Zingiber zerumbert L.), and fragrant lempuyang (Zingiber aromaticum L.).
Lempuyang CVD and yellow elephant lempuyang taste bitter and empirically used to increase appetite. While lempuyang scented white colored (pale yellow), no bitter taste and smell more fragrant, often used as components of herbal slimming.

Leg Swelling and Itching: lempuyang Rhizome (Zingiber aromaticum) which, among other compounds containing zerumbon and limonene, it has many health benefits. Various studies, including from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), the Institute for Research and Technology, as well as the Hall-traditional medicinal plant research centers under the Ministry of Health, posted a note on the usefulness lempuyang.

Swollen feet after childbirth: Rhizome lempuyang and washed chili Java. Mash, give water, then wring the cloth. Drinking water.
Hemorrhoid: Lempuyang 3/4 finger washed, and shredded. Add 2 tablespoons of boiled water a little salt, then squeeze. Drink 2 times a day each 1 tablespoon.

Colic from cold: The rhizome lempuyang washed, and then burned. Add 1/2 finger turmeric, ginger Intersection 3 keys, a piece of wood Ules, 5 fennel seeds, coriander 11 grain, 11 grain hollow pepper, 20 fresh leaf poko. Boil 2 cups of water until the water by half, strain. Drink 2 times a day, after lunch and dinner, each 1/2 cup.

Increase appetite: Three fingers lempuyang washed. Grated, then add 3 teaspoons of water. Grated drinking water 3 times a day each 1 teaspoon before meals.

A). Lempuyang washed three fingers, but do not peel. Grate give palm sugar, boiled in 3 cups of water until the water glass. Chill, drink well, repeat several times.
B). Two fingers lempuyang washed, crushed, boiled with 2 cups of water until the water a half. Drink 2 times a day each 1/2 cup.

Itching: 1 finger lempuyang washed, and then shredded. Give 1/2 cup water, wring it out, let it settle. Take the liquid to be taken once a day until healed.
Worms: mash 2 rhizome fingers lempuyang that has been washed and peeled 3 red onions, add 1/2 cup, water, wring it out. Drink 2 times a day each 2 Tbsp.
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Benefits Of Red Onion

Red Onion (Allium cepa L. Aggregatum Group) is a plant that is used as a flavoring in foods has a great benefit to us his example, made of fried onion, made of vegetables, complementary flavors, and many more.
Not only that Onion is also beneficial for our body and can treat diseases, among them:
  • Treating Cough
  • Cure headaches
  • Large bowel launched
  • Hair loss
  • Irregular menstruation
  • Fever in children
  • Flatulence in children
  • Cure asthma
  • Lowering blood pressure and lipid levels
  • Treating worms and Hemorrhoids

Some ways to treat the following diseases:
Fever: Abdominal Bloating in Children Ingredient: Onion Bulbs (thin slices) to taste to taste Coconut oil to taste Method of making White Wood: knead. How to use: The oil is smeared on a bloated abdomen, whole body, legs, and hands the child a fever.

Cough: Prepare onion bulbs 4 grams, 4 grams of fresh leaf poko, 4 grams of fresh leaves of Blumea, 4 grams of fresh herbs, fruit and fennel 2 grams of water 125 ml. The trick with a crushed, and made intravenous or pills may be used once a day with a drink. Long treatment for 14 days.

Diabetes: Prepare the bulb onion (chopped) by 4 gram, fruit green beans (chopped) 15 grams, bay leaves (chopped) 10 pieces and 120 ml water. The trick is made and the infusion taken once 100 ml. Treatment is 14 days old.

From the research, it turns out onion bulb extract at a dose of 250 mg / kg , causes a decrease in normal blood sugar levels by 23.46%,
Tolbutamide at giving a dose of 250 mg / kg orally, showed a normal blood sugar levels by 22.21%, and distilled water giving a dose of 5 ml / kg orally showed a normal blood sugar levels by 3.00%.

Shallots protective effect on liver damage from carbon tetrachloride. From this research, it turns out Shallots inhibit GPT increased plasma and liver tissue damage caused by CCl4.
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Tips For Choosing a Party Dress

Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Style Muslim fashion design is increasingly varied. A wide range of very practical model of feminine tunics paired with skirts or trousers simple cut. However, how the time must attend a formal party? Muslim clothing such as what should you wear?

Actually, the choice is easy. Muslim clothing is simple with muted colors and fresh pas worn for various occasions. However, you also can create more with the clothes you have.

While attending a party during the day, wear Muslim clothing in bright colors. However, choose a material that absorbs sweat that does not wrinkle. Should consist of two pieces, tops, and pants. For more activities still in place, you can use a long skirt.

To the party on lazy afternoons, you can wear a matching color like green or blue fresh in the form of a long tunic embroidered in the front, paired with long skirts or tunics China accented with embroidery and sequins on the front side. Clothing is also matching colored pants paired with younger as combinations thereof. Muslim fashion accented flowers on the front makes the blouse looks chic and stylish. Do not forget to wear light-colored shawl that no impression of monotonous appearance.

To force the younger, creative with batik. Currently, there are a lot of batik cloth that is packaged in a contemporary style. Select only the newfangled Jackie-O or striped babydoll and combined with denim or trousers pipe.
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Want To Be Thin

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Not a few people who want to be thin, then trust people who give medicine that thin quickly, but if people want to thin it know what medicine he put in his body that could have a negative effect. There is the best way if you want to be thin without the medicine that are not clear.

Therefore, for you who want to quickly thin naturally, could read the tips, and of course, be practiced in order to see the results:
  1. Get used to sit properly, because the correct position will make you feel fuller so you do not have to keep portions of food.
  2. Eat slowly, because it will make your stomach more fully and also to overcome the feeling bloated.
  3. Eat the right time, because it will keep your body healthy and your body weight can be controlled.
  4. By drinking a glass of carbonated water will help your digestive system and constipation. However, many people misunderstand about carbonated mineral water because many people who think that the mineral water that just made flatulence.
  5. Drink water that will help you in preventing dehydration. Your diet will be faster if you drink enough water and look for water is also not difficult.
  6. Try to make friends with the good bacteria in the yogurt, because the bacteria that can assist you in clearing out the bad bacteria that exist within your body.
  7. You can do the jump rope to remove food residue that has accumulated in some parts of your body. Which will cause your lymphatic system will work correctly. If you have a daughter, you can play with it and it will be fun and help you in your diet.
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Soya Milk

Sunday, February 19, 2012
Soya milk is one type of milk that is very popular among us. Soya milk is usually used as one type of alternative dairy cow's milk butter. This is because some types of cholesterol content found in cow's milk is not so in the need for adults. So that when the protein is still very necessary while the content of cholesterol should be avoided, then the soy milk is an appropriate solution.
Protein is the main component in soy dry. Whole soya beans contains 35-40% protein, the highest of all nuts. In terms of quality of soy protein is the best quality protein and fiber than meat protein. Protein from soya beans are the only nuts that have the essential amino acid composition of the most complete.

Status of soy milk will be increasingly important. This is because some of the advantages possessed by the soya milk, among them not contain lactose, protein does not cause allergies, low fat, cholesterol-free, highly nutritious, easier manufacturing techniques, production costs are also relatively inexpensive, and can be further processed into ice cream , soyghurt, mayonaisse, and others.
Some people often experience diarrhea after consuming dairy animals, this is due to the symptoms lactoseintolerance reduced activity of the enzyme lactase in the body so that one can not digest food lactosa (milk sugar) and then broken down into glucose and galactose. In contrast to the soy milk contain simple sugars glucose and galactose are very easily absorbed by the intestine and utilized for metabolic processes.

Besides these advantages, soy is perfect for maintaining a healthy body, especially for those of you who currently suffer from osteoporosis. Osteoporosis occurs due to the decline in production of the hormone estrogen as a result of the most common in menopausal women. Usually, hormone therapy is often done to resolve the issue. However, the use of these therapies have an impact is less favorable because of side effects, such as headache, depression, feeling like vomiting and worse still cause people to potential breast cancer and uterine cancer.
A more appropriate solution is using a more natural and safe is by consuming lots of soy because soy has estrogen-like compounds that naturally referred to as phytoestrogens and proven to inhibit the speed of osteoporosis. These compounds are the cause why Japanese women are very likely to consume soya products processed from such as tofu, natto, soy milk so that the arrival of menopause phase is slower and rarely have complaints menopause.
Quality of protein in soy milk is similar to cow's milk protein quality. Referring to the protein efficiency ratio (PER), soy milk is 2.3 whereas in cow's milk is the PER of 2.5. PER is 2.3 meaning that every gram of protein you eat will result in weight Agencies in experimental animals (white mice) was 2.3 g in the raw experimental conditions.
Soya milk contains no vitamin B12 and minerals, especially calcium content of less than cow's milk. Therefore recommended the addition of minerals and vitamins or fortified soya milk on. As for the carbohydrate component consists of classes of polysaccharides and oligosaccharides. And in general soy milk have vitamin B2, niacin B2, pyridoxine Vitamin E, Vitamin K and Vitamin group B. By looking at the many uses it has, soy milk can be used as a complementary alternative to our daily diet.
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Secretions from The Genitals Of Women

Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Vaginal secretions are normal things that are common in every woman. Vaginal secretions is the discharge from the genitals of women, this fluid can be sweat, mucus or fluid from the glands around the vagina.

In good health, it is normal for every woman. And secretion that comes out has a normal color and aroma. Secretion is not just a normal discharge that has no health benefits.
However, vaginal secretions serve to provide a good climate in the sense of the natural moisture in the vagina in order to maintain health. Especially in the period, the secretion that occurs is a discharge of blood which is a mature egg cell but did not get fertilized.

Vaginal secretions often experience changes in texture, color and odor. It is closely related to changes in hormones and menstrual cycles experienced by a woman. Although it is normal, sometimes it changes the look of vaginal secretions may be an indication of an infection or disease.

Eg secretion that appears to change color from white or yellow normally become more concentrated and pungent and painful. If it is so there is need for consultation and treatment from a doctor SpOG. SpOG doctors are physicians who have medical science with a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology. Some female disease begins with a change in vaginal secretions.

By doing some step examination, the doctor will be able to determine the type SpOG disease and therapy should be done about it. Some women are often considered one of the vaginal secretion, which is often considered something normal interrupt. Ironically some of the cleaning liquid ads for women suggests that women who are healthy organ is a doormat. Because misunderstanding had a lot of women do a few ways to make the female organs dry up and doormat.

One of them with alternative treatments (such as drinking herbs and gurah vagina). If the views of medical science, the vagina should always wet climate around it so well maintained. More important for women are doing things that support the health of the female organs, such as eating a healthy diet and regular exercise and maintain a healthy body.
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