Friday, June 24, 2011

Kinds Of Diseases Woman

A. Whitish
In normal conditions, the vagina can remove fluid from the uterus. Generally, the liquid that comes out a little, clear, and odorless. If the fluid (not blood) coming out of the vagina excessively, the condition is called vaginal discharge. During pregnancy, before menstruation, during ovulation, and as a result of sexual stimulation, vaginal discharge are more likely, the symptoms are still includes normal. However, if the excess fluid out, sometimes itchy, and the odor it should be aware.
Cause of vaginal discharge include: infection by microorganisms (fungus Candida albicans, Neisseria gonorrhea bacterium, parasite Trichomonas vaginalis), impaired hormonal balance, stress and chronic fatigue, inflammation of genitals, a foreign object in the vagina, or a symptom of disease in organs such as cancer of the womb uterus, and so on.

B. Menstrual Disorders
Menstruation is a monthly bleeding from the lining of the uterus through the vagina in women who are sexually mature and not pregnant. The duration of menstrual bleeding on average lasts between 3-5 days with an average cycle of 28 days. In normal conditions, menstruation does not cause significant interference. But in some women, periods can sometimes interfere with daily activities, even being tortured because the pain is very unusual (dymenorrhoea). Late menstruation or irregular periods also should be wary because it means there has been an abnormality in the menstrual cycle.
The pain during menstruation can be caused by various factors including hormonal imbalance factors, namely the increased secretion of the hormone prostaglandin which can cause excessive uterine contractions. Irregular periods may be due to hormonal disorders or psychological factors, such as stress, depression, and others that can affect the hormones.

C. Ovarian Cysts
That is an abnormal pouch containing fluid or semi-liquid that grows in the ovary (ovarian). Ovarian cysts are usually not cancerous, but even these small cysts required further attention to be sure the cyst is not cancerous.
Ovarian cysts are small usually show no symptoms or pain, except when broken or twisted which causes severe pain in the lower abdominal area, and stiff. Cysts that are large or numerous can cause symptoms such as pelvic pain, back pain, pain during intercourse, abnormal uterine bleeding.
The causes of ovarian cysts is interference with the formation of the hormone in the hypothalamus, pituitary, or ovary itself. Ovarian cysts arise from follicles that do not function during the menstrual cycle.

D. Cervical cancer (cervix uteri)
A type of cancer most common in women of Indonesia. Higher incidence of deaths caused by cervical cancer in women Indonesia because it is generally only known after an advanced stage. In developed countries, cases of cervical cancer has declined somewhat. This is because of the pap smear program which performed regularly as a means for secondary prevention and early detection of cervical cancer.
Symptoms of cervical cancer depend on the growth phase. In the early phase (preinvasif) often cause no symptoms or very few symptoms, such as vaginal discharge. In the invasive phase (further) cause vaginal bleeding outside of menstruation, pain and bleeding after intercourse, pain in the pelvic area, loss of appetite, weight loss, and anemia due to bleeding.
The cause of cervical cancer is not known for certain, but suspected about 95% by a kind of virus Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), the virus can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. There are several risk factors that can increase the occurrence of cervical cancer, namely:
- Frequently changing sexual partners
- Having sex at a young age
- Pregnancy repeatedly (often birth)
- Viral infections of the cervix

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