Pohon Pinang Dan Manfaatnya
Monday, January 31, 2011
Biji pinang mengandung alkaloida seperti misalnya arekaina (arecaine) dan arekolina (arecoline), yang sedikit banyak bersifat racun dan adiktif, dapat merangsang otak. Sediaan simplisia biji pinang di apotek biasa digunakan untuk mengobati cacingan, terutama untuk mengatasi cacing pita. Sementara itu, beberapa macam pinang bijinya menimbulkan rasa pening apabila dikunyah. Zat lain yang dikandung buah ini antara lain arecaidine, arecolidine, guracine (guacine), guvacoline dan beberapa unsur lainnya. Akar pinang jenis pinang itam, di masa lalu digunakan sebagai bahan peracun untuk menyingkirkan musuh atau orang yang tidak disukai. Pelepah daun yang seperti tabung (dikenal sebagai upih) digunakan sebagai pembungkus kue-kue dan makanan. Umbutnya dimakan sebagai lalapan atau dibikin acar.
Bagi masyarakat Papua umumnya, pinang muda digunakan bersama dengan buah sirih untuk menguatkan gigi. Selain sebagai obat penguat gigi, masyarakat pesisir pantai desa Assai dan Yoon-noni, yang didiami oleh suku Menyah, Arfak, Biak dan Serui (Papua), biji pinang muda digunakan sebagai obat untuk mengecilkan rahim setelah melahirkan oleh kaum wanita dengan cara memasak buah pinang muda tersebut dan airnya diminum selama satu minggu. Umbut pinang muda digunakan untuk mengobati patah tulang, dan sakit pinggang (salah urat). Selain itu umbut dapat juga dimakan sebagai lalab atau acar. Daun pinang berguna untuk mengatasi masalah tidak nafsu makan, dan sakit pinggang. Selain sebagai obat, pelepah daun digunakan untuk pembungkus makanan dan bahan campuran untuk topi. Sabut pinang rasanya hangat dan pahit, digunakan untuk gangguan pencernaan, sembelit dan edema.
BAGIAN YANG DIPAKAI: Biji, daun, sabut.
Biji (Binglang):
- Cacingan: taeniasis, fasciolopsiasis.
- Perut kembung akibat gangguan pencernaan.
- Bengkak karena retensi cairan (edema).
- Rasa penuh di dada.
- Luka.
- Batuk berdahak.
- Diare.
- Terlambat haid, Keputihan.
- Beri-beri, edema. Malaria.
- Memperkecil pupil mata (miosis) pada glaucoma.
- Tidak napsu makan.
- Sakit pinggang (lumbago).
- Gangguan pencernaan (dyspepsia).
- Sembelit.
- Edema dan beri-beri.
Daun Pegagan

Penggunaan Untuk Obat
1. Kencing keruh (akibat infeksi/batu sistem saluran kencing): 30 gram pegagan segar direbus dengan air cucian beras dari bilasan kedua.
2. Susah kencing: 30 gram pegagan segar dilumatkan, tempel di pusar.
3. Demam: Segenggam daun pegagan segar ditumbuk, kemudian ditambah sedikit air dan garam, saring. Diminum pagi-pagi sebelum makan.
4. Darah tinggi: 20 lembar daun pegagan ditambah 3 gelas air, direbus sampai menjadi 3/4-nya. Sehari diminum 3 x 3/4 gelas.
5. Wasir: 4-5 batang pegagan berikut akar-akarnya direbus dengan 2 gelas air selama ± 5 menit. Minum rebusan ini selama beberapa hari.
6. Pembengkakan hati (liver) : 240-600 gram pegagan segar direbus, minum secara rutin.
7. Campak: 60-120 gram pegagan direbus, minum
8. Bisul : 30-60 gram pegagan segar direbus, diminum. Pegagan segar dicuci bersih, dilumatkan ditempelkan ke yang sakit.
9. Mata merah, bengkak : Pegagan segar dicuci bersih, dilumatkan, diperas, airnya disaring. Teteskan ke mata yang sakit 3-4 kali sehari.
10. Batuk darah, muntah darah, mimisan : 60 - 90 gram pegagan segar direbus, atau diperas, airnya diminum.
11. Batuk kering : Segenggam penuh pegagan segar dilumatkan, peras. Ditambah air dan gula batu secukupnya. Minum.
12. Lepra : 3/4 genggam pegagan dicuci lalu direbus dengan 3 gelas air, sampai menjadi 3/4 -nya. Saring, diminum setelah dingin, sehari 3 x 3/4 gelas.
13. Penambah nafsu makan : 1 genggam daun pegagan segar direbus dengan 2 gelas air sampai menjadi 1 gelas. Minum sehari 1 gelas.
14. Teh daun pegagan segar berkhasiat : Pembangkit nafsu makan, menyegarkan badan, menenangkan, menurunkan panas, batuk kering, mengeluarkan cacing di perut, mimisan.
15. Lalapan pegagan segar berkhasiat : Membersihkan darah, terutama pada bisul, tukak berdarah. Memperbanyak empedu, sehingga memperbaiki gangguan pencernaan.
Saturday, January 29, 2011You never feel or perhaps was experiencing lower back pain? More than 90% of back pain is caused by weak back muscles or stomach muscles, or both. Viewed from this trigger, of course, you can prevent back pain by maintaining good posture throughout the day and of course strengthen the muscles in both areas.
According to experts, back pain is specifically caused by modern lifestyle habits that force back to work in a way that does not deserve. Too much sitting, being lazy, lack of exercise, excess weight and chronic stress is the cause of the emergence of some back pain. To prevent and avoid the re-emergence of disturbing back pain, here are some tips that can be your guide.
1. Good posture
The first step you should do is pay attention and realize every position of your body. So, when you hold the body in a stiff position, you will soon realize the emergence of tension in the muscles you use to sit or stand, by pressing the natural curvature of the spine. That way, you can quickly fix to correct body position.
2. Make the right moves
When lifting, use leg muscles instead of arm muscles or back. If you want to pick up heavy items, such as shopping bags or boxes of goods, bend your knees and then lift up, keep it for your back straight. If you want to go out, it's better to use than the bag duffel bag that carried on the shoulders of one side only. Backpack will help share the load with the weight balanced on both sides of the body.
3. Level height
If you want to do something, eating, or reading, make these things right in a straight position with the eyes, with head erect. And do not force you to crane the neck forward.
4. Correct sleeping position
Avoid sleeping on your stomach. When abdominal pressure down, it will tend to arch your back. As a result, the pain will increase. On the other hand, sleep on your back is not very convenient because it tends to bend lumbar. Sleeping on one side of the body by bending your legs at the knee, tends to minimize stress by way of straightening the spine lumbar flexion. Cobalan put 1 or 2 pillows under your knees to pull the waist up, flatten the lumbar curve and reduce tensions in the area.
5. Try relaxation techniques
Try to relax your back muscles as you sit in one place for too long. Perform stretching exercises to pull back the top and bottom. Hold each stretch for 5-10 seconds and release slowly.
6. Recognize and differentiate fatigue due to working with pain
It is important to distinguish these two things. The pain is a sign of nerves when you do the wrong thing. When getting the signal, immediately do light exercise that can make you feel comfortable. Try to rotate the body to both sides of the body, hugging her knees and tilt the pelvis.
7. Lose weight
If you are overweight, try to reduce the weight on your back. Start with cardiovascular exercise for at least 3-5 times a week. Aerobics is saah one type of exercise is best for preventing back pain. By making the heart and lungs work harder than usual, you can restore the poor physical condition and the cause of back pain.
8. Strengthen the abdominal muscles
Abdominal muscles are the core of your fitness workout. Therefore, choose exercises that can strengthen your abdominal muscles.
9. Rest
Do not sit too tight and avoid sitting in a chair more than 30 minutes at a time. So, get up and walk around before sitting again. Do not sit by inserting a flat wallet in your back pocket. This wallet can add pressure on the sciatic nerve, which can trigger pain in the back and legs.
10. Do exercises to strengthen your back
If done regularly, these exercises can strengthen and flex your back muscles. If you're still a beginner, it is better to use weight lifting belt to prevent excessive stretching on the lower back.
According to experts, back pain is specifically caused by modern lifestyle habits that force back to work in a way that does not deserve. Too much sitting, being lazy, lack of exercise, excess weight and chronic stress is the cause of the emergence of some back pain. To prevent and avoid the re-emergence of disturbing back pain, here are some tips that can be your guide.
1. Good posture
The first step you should do is pay attention and realize every position of your body. So, when you hold the body in a stiff position, you will soon realize the emergence of tension in the muscles you use to sit or stand, by pressing the natural curvature of the spine. That way, you can quickly fix to correct body position.
2. Make the right moves
When lifting, use leg muscles instead of arm muscles or back. If you want to pick up heavy items, such as shopping bags or boxes of goods, bend your knees and then lift up, keep it for your back straight. If you want to go out, it's better to use than the bag duffel bag that carried on the shoulders of one side only. Backpack will help share the load with the weight balanced on both sides of the body.
3. Level height
If you want to do something, eating, or reading, make these things right in a straight position with the eyes, with head erect. And do not force you to crane the neck forward.
4. Correct sleeping position
Avoid sleeping on your stomach. When abdominal pressure down, it will tend to arch your back. As a result, the pain will increase. On the other hand, sleep on your back is not very convenient because it tends to bend lumbar. Sleeping on one side of the body by bending your legs at the knee, tends to minimize stress by way of straightening the spine lumbar flexion. Cobalan put 1 or 2 pillows under your knees to pull the waist up, flatten the lumbar curve and reduce tensions in the area.
5. Try relaxation techniques
Try to relax your back muscles as you sit in one place for too long. Perform stretching exercises to pull back the top and bottom. Hold each stretch for 5-10 seconds and release slowly.
6. Recognize and differentiate fatigue due to working with pain
It is important to distinguish these two things. The pain is a sign of nerves when you do the wrong thing. When getting the signal, immediately do light exercise that can make you feel comfortable. Try to rotate the body to both sides of the body, hugging her knees and tilt the pelvis.
7. Lose weight
If you are overweight, try to reduce the weight on your back. Start with cardiovascular exercise for at least 3-5 times a week. Aerobics is saah one type of exercise is best for preventing back pain. By making the heart and lungs work harder than usual, you can restore the poor physical condition and the cause of back pain.
8. Strengthen the abdominal muscles
Abdominal muscles are the core of your fitness workout. Therefore, choose exercises that can strengthen your abdominal muscles.
9. Rest
Do not sit too tight and avoid sitting in a chair more than 30 minutes at a time. So, get up and walk around before sitting again. Do not sit by inserting a flat wallet in your back pocket. This wallet can add pressure on the sciatic nerve, which can trigger pain in the back and legs.
10. Do exercises to strengthen your back
If done regularly, these exercises can strengthen and flex your back muscles. If you're still a beginner, it is better to use weight lifting belt to prevent excessive stretching on the lower back.
Bamboo Shoots For Stroke
Friday, January 28, 2011Bamboo shoots are young shoots of bamboo plants that appear on the surface of the base clump. Young bamboo shoots are good to eat, so are classified into the vegetables. Bamboo shoot bamboo grove growing base section and are usually filled by bamboo hair. Morfologi conical bamboo shoots, each end "glugut" have a section like bamboo leaf tip, but the colors are brown. According to botanical classification, including grade bamboo plants.
Not all bamboo shoots can be processed into food. Bamboo is one type of bamboo that can not be processed into food, it tastes bitter. Types of bamboo shoots that taste delicious is yellow bamboo shoots, Rampal / flute, ori, and Ater. Shoots of bamboo Betung have the most delicious flavor. Betung bamboo shoots in red brown and corms (calyx end) at the end of the bamboo shoots are purple. Shoots are protected by powerful petals fluffy.
The content of main compounds in the crude bamboo shoot is water, which is about 91 percent. In addition, bamboo shoots contain protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin C, as well as other minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and potassium. When compared with other vegetables, protein, fat, and carbohydrates in the shoots, do not differ much.
Bamboo shoots also have a fairly high potassium content. Levels of potassium per 100 grams of bamboo shoots is 533 mg. Foods that are full of potassium, which is at least 400 mg, may reduce the risk of stroke. The role of potassium equal to sodium, which together with chloride, helps maintain osmotic pressure and acid base balance. Potassium maintain osmotic pressure in intracellular fluid, and partly bound to protein. Potassium also helps to activate the enzyme reaction, such as pyruvate kinase which can produce pyruvic acid in carbohydrate metabolism process is usually a potassium deficiency symptoms of muscle softening.
Food fiber content in shoots was 2.56 percent, higher than any other tropical vegetable species, such as soybean sprouts (1.27 percent), cucumber (0.61 percent), and mustard greens (1, 01 percent). Lack of fiber does not cause specific symptoms, as was the case on the lack of certain nutrients. Dietary fiber is a form of complex carbohydrate compound that many artifacts on food plant cell walls. Dietary fiber can not be digested and absorbed by the human digestive tract, but it has functions that are skelter for health maintenance, disease prevention, and as an important component of nutrition therapy.
Not all bamboo shoots can be processed into food. Bamboo is one type of bamboo that can not be processed into food, it tastes bitter. Types of bamboo shoots that taste delicious is yellow bamboo shoots, Rampal / flute, ori, and Ater. Shoots of bamboo Betung have the most delicious flavor. Betung bamboo shoots in red brown and corms (calyx end) at the end of the bamboo shoots are purple. Shoots are protected by powerful petals fluffy.
The content of main compounds in the crude bamboo shoot is water, which is about 91 percent. In addition, bamboo shoots contain protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin C, as well as other minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and potassium. When compared with other vegetables, protein, fat, and carbohydrates in the shoots, do not differ much.
Bamboo shoots also have a fairly high potassium content. Levels of potassium per 100 grams of bamboo shoots is 533 mg. Foods that are full of potassium, which is at least 400 mg, may reduce the risk of stroke. The role of potassium equal to sodium, which together with chloride, helps maintain osmotic pressure and acid base balance. Potassium maintain osmotic pressure in intracellular fluid, and partly bound to protein. Potassium also helps to activate the enzyme reaction, such as pyruvate kinase which can produce pyruvic acid in carbohydrate metabolism process is usually a potassium deficiency symptoms of muscle softening.
Food fiber content in shoots was 2.56 percent, higher than any other tropical vegetable species, such as soybean sprouts (1.27 percent), cucumber (0.61 percent), and mustard greens (1, 01 percent). Lack of fiber does not cause specific symptoms, as was the case on the lack of certain nutrients. Dietary fiber is a form of complex carbohydrate compound that many artifacts on food plant cell walls. Dietary fiber can not be digested and absorbed by the human digestive tract, but it has functions that are skelter for health maintenance, disease prevention, and as an important component of nutrition therapy.
Pohon Turi
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Kulit batang (terutama bagian pangkalnya):
- Sariawan
- Disentri, diare
- Scabies
- Cacar air
- Demam dengan erupsi kulit
- Keseleo
- Memar akibat terpukul (hematoma)
- Luka
- Keputihan (fluor albus)
- Batuk
- Hidung berlendir, sakit kepala
- Memperbanyak produksi ASI
- Beri-beri
- Demam
- Nifas
- Radang tenggorokan
- Memperbanyak dan memperlancar pengeluaran ASI
- Hidung berlendir
- Pegal linu (rheumatism)
- Batuk berdahak
Untuk minum: Kulit batang turi merah bagian pangkal sebesar ibu jari direbus.
Pemakaian luar : Kulit batang secukupnya ditumbuk halus, untuk pemakaian setempat seperti scabies. Daun segar setelah ditumbuk halus, diikatkan pada bagian tubuh yang memar atau keseleo.
- Sariawan: Kulit batang segar secukupnya diremas-remas dalam air, untuk kumur-kumur. Lakukan 3 kali sehari. Atau dapat juga dengan merebus kulit batang sebesar ibu jari dan meminumnya.
- Sariawan, sakit tenggorokan : Daun secukupnya dicuci bersih lalu diremas-remas dalam air matang. Digunakan untuk kumur-kumur pada tenggorokan (gargle).
- Radang tenggorokan : Segenggam daun turi merah direbus dengan air bersih secukupnya. Setelah dingin disaring, airnya dipakai untuk kumur-kumur. Lakukan kumur-kumur sebanyak 4 kali sehari.
- Disentri berak darah: Kulit batang sebesar ibu jari dari pohon turi yang bunganya merah direbus dengan 2 gelas air bersih sampai tersisa 1 gelas, setelah dingin disaring, lalu diminum. Lakukan 2 kali sehari.
- Kuku jari bengkak akibat tersandung atau terpukul: Daun secukupnya dicuci bersih lalu ditumbuk halus. Taruh diatas kuku yang sakit dan kulit sekitarnya, lalu dibalut. Ganti 2-3 kali sehari. Bekukan darah dibawah kuku akan hilang dan sakitnya akan berkurang.
- Keputihan: Segenggam daun turi putih dan kunyit sebesar ibu jari dicuci bersih lalu digiling halus. Tambahkan 3/4 cangkir air minum, diaduk merata lalu diperas dan disaring, minum. Lakukan 2 kali sehari.
Daun Dewa
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Fungsi daun dan umbi bagi kesehatan:
1. Daun : Luka terpukul, melancarkan sirkulasi, menghentikan perdarahan (Batuk darah, muntah darah, mimisan), pembengkakan payudara, infeksi kerongkongan, tidak datang haid, digigit binatang berbisa.
2. Umbi : Menghilangkan pembekuan darah (haematom), pembengkakan, tulang patah (Fraktur), dan perdarahan sehabis melahirkan.
Pemakaian dalam : 15-30 gram daun segar, direbus atau ditumbuk kemudian diperas, minum.
Pemakaian luar : Secukupnya tumbuhan ini dilumatkan sampai lunak, ditempelkan di tempat yang sakit.
Penggunaan Untuk Obat :
- Digigit ular / binatang lainnya: Umbi dilumatkan kemudian ditempelkan di tempat yang digigit.
- Kutil : 5 lembar daun dewa dihaluskan, dan dilumurkan pada tempat berkutil, kemudian dibalut. Dilepas keesokan harinya.
- Luka terpukul, tidak datang haid: 15-30 gram herba direbus dan tumbuk, ambil airnya, campur dengan arak yang sudah dipanaskan, dan minum.
- Perdarahan pada wanita, pembengkakan payudara, batuk dan muntah darah : 1 (satu) batang lengkap (15 gram) direbus, dan minum.
- Kejang pada anak: 1 batang ditumbuk ambil airnya, dicampur arak, dan minumkan.
- Luka terpukul, masuk angin: 6-9 gram umbi segar ditambah arak kuning (wong ciu) secukupnya, kemudian dipanaskan dan minum.
Khasiat Teratai Untuk Kesehatan

Kegunaan Biji:
- Gangguan penyerapan makanan (malabsorbtion).
- Diare karena badan lemah, radang usus kronis (enteritis kronis).
- Disentri.
- Muntah-muntah.
- Keputihan, perdarahan pada wanita.
- Mimpi basah (spermatorrhea).
- Susah tidur, banyak mimpi.
- Kencing terasa sakit dan keruh.
- lesu tidak bersemangat (neurasthenia).
- Kanker nasopharynx.
Kegunaan Tunas biji teratai:
- Demam, rasa haus.
- Jantung berdebar, gelisah.
- Muntah darah.
- Ejakulasi dini.
- Mata merah dan bengkak.
- Susah tidur (insomnia).
- Darah tinggi (hipertensi).
Kegunaan Rimpang:
- Demam, rasa haus.
- Batuk darah, muntah darah, mimisan.
- Berak darah, kencing darah. Tekanan darah tinggi.
- Sakit jantung.
- Gangguan lambung.
- Kurang darah (anemia).
- Gangguan pada mati haid (menopause).
- Neurosis.
Kegunaan Batang:
- Heat stroke, pingsan.
- Dada terasa tertekan karena panas atau lembab.
- Diare, muntah.
- Keputihan.
Kegunaan Bunga:
- Terpukul (trauma).
- Perdarahan.
- Radang kulit bernanah (impetigo).
Kegunaan Tepung rimpang:
- Menambah selera makan,
- Badan lemah dan kurang darah.
- Diare.
Kegunaan Akar:
- Muntah darah, mimisan.
- Kencing panas dan merah.
- Batuk darah, berak darah.
Kegunaan Daun:
- Pingsan karena hawa panas (heat stroke).
- Diare karena panas atau lembab.
- Pusing, sakit kepala.
- Beri-beri.
- Perdarahan seperti mimisan, muntah darah, berak darah.
- Perdarahan pada wanita.
Kegunaan Dasar daun:
- Disentri berdarah, diare.
- Bayi dalam kandungan tidak tenang.
Kegunaan Remptacle:
- Perdarahan kandungan yang berlebihan.
- Darah haid berlebihan.
- Perdarahan sewaktu hamil.
- Keluar cairan (lochia) yang berlebihan setelah melahirkan.
- Sakit perut bawah akibat sumbatan darah.
- Berak darah, kencing darah.
- Wasir, koreng basah.
Kegunaan Benang sari:
- Keluar sperma malam hari (sperrnatorrhea).
- Keputihan (leucorrhea).
- Perdarahan seperti muntah darah, disentri.
- Sering kencing.
- Tidak dapat menahan kencing (enuresis).
The Fruit Litchi & Stress
Wednesday, January 19, 2011Fruit litchi is one type of fruit that a lot of rage. The fruit is also often a treat for the guests during a visit to local officials. Sweet taste with a thick flesh makes this fruit is very good as the body's energy source. Benefits of litchi fruit is also very much. To meet the high consumer demand, seasonal fruit is often made in the form of canned food or made into syrup. Litchi plants that can grow well only in areas of high and rather cold is also known to many benefits, from the roots, wood, until leaves. Society of China famous for its treatment has long herbal use the plant as a medicine.
Litchi fruit is an antioxidant fruit. Nutrients contained in fruit is protein, carbohydrate, crude fiber, vitamin C and minerals (calcium, phosphorus and iron). In addition, fruit litchi also contains polyphenols compounds, namely corilagin, gallic acid and ellagic acid. These three compounds contain antioxidants. Such compounds have the ability to ward off free radicals that can reduce oxidation in the body.
Benefits of litchi fruit more derived from the seeds and fruits than meat. Litchi seeds can be used as a skin bleaching, because it contains substances that can inhibit the activity of the enzyme tyrosinase. This enzyme has a function to change the melamine or skin pigment. Fle brown on the skin caused by the activity of the enzyme tyrosinase. If the action of the enzyme is high, then the brown spots on the skin will be more and more.
With nutritional content, the benefits of litchi fruit to increase stamina and endurance, increase appetite, aid digestion, intestinal worms overcome disease, cure of hernia, leucorrhoea, strengthen spleen, promote and launch the red blood cells. The fruit is also very good to maintain eye health, intestinal health and helps absorption of nutrients by the body.
In addition to fruit, other parts of the tree litchi can also be used as a medicine. The leaves are useful to cure sore and cope with high fever, whereas the roots of litchi trees are useful in blood flow and launched a piss.
While the litchi seed is black round the world are also useful in treatment and is often used to stop bleeding and pain relievers. The content of saponin in the seeds of litchi fruit was also useful in the manufacture of shampoo.
The content of minerals and phytochemicals in fruits litchi also useful as a sedative and maintaining heart health. The Chinese healers used the fruit litchi in helping patients cope with nervous tension, palpitations, and cardiac abnormalities.
In a number of studies have also found benefits of litchi fruit in helping to overcome anxiety, insomnia, impaired concentration, as well as to relax the nerves. Because it is also very good fruit litchi consumed by the women's career, executive, and a hard worker who often suffer from stress and tension.
Litchi fruit is an antioxidant fruit. Nutrients contained in fruit is protein, carbohydrate, crude fiber, vitamin C and minerals (calcium, phosphorus and iron). In addition, fruit litchi also contains polyphenols compounds, namely corilagin, gallic acid and ellagic acid. These three compounds contain antioxidants. Such compounds have the ability to ward off free radicals that can reduce oxidation in the body.
Benefits of litchi fruit more derived from the seeds and fruits than meat. Litchi seeds can be used as a skin bleaching, because it contains substances that can inhibit the activity of the enzyme tyrosinase. This enzyme has a function to change the melamine or skin pigment. Fle brown on the skin caused by the activity of the enzyme tyrosinase. If the action of the enzyme is high, then the brown spots on the skin will be more and more.
With nutritional content, the benefits of litchi fruit to increase stamina and endurance, increase appetite, aid digestion, intestinal worms overcome disease, cure of hernia, leucorrhoea, strengthen spleen, promote and launch the red blood cells. The fruit is also very good to maintain eye health, intestinal health and helps absorption of nutrients by the body.
In addition to fruit, other parts of the tree litchi can also be used as a medicine. The leaves are useful to cure sore and cope with high fever, whereas the roots of litchi trees are useful in blood flow and launched a piss.
While the litchi seed is black round the world are also useful in treatment and is often used to stop bleeding and pain relievers. The content of saponin in the seeds of litchi fruit was also useful in the manufacture of shampoo.
The content of minerals and phytochemicals in fruits litchi also useful as a sedative and maintaining heart health. The Chinese healers used the fruit litchi in helping patients cope with nervous tension, palpitations, and cardiac abnormalities.
In a number of studies have also found benefits of litchi fruit in helping to overcome anxiety, insomnia, impaired concentration, as well as to relax the nerves. Because it is also very good fruit litchi consumed by the women's career, executive, and a hard worker who often suffer from stress and tension.
Lidah Buaya Untuk Jerawat & Kulit Berminyak
Tuesday, January 18, 2011Sepanjang hari kulit kita diterpa dengan polusi, kotoran, debu dan elemen lain dari lingkungan. Jika Anda bermasalah dengan jerawat atau memiliki kulit berminyak sangat penting untuk membersihkan wajah setelah keluar rumah. Dan lidah buaya bisa jadi pilihan bagus untuk perawatan wajah. Berbagai kandungan pengganggu yang melayang di udara biasanya menempel pada kulit berminyak dan dapat menyebabkan noda yang memperburuk keadaan kulit bermasalah. Ph pada lidah buaya mengembalikan keseimbangan kulit sekaligus membersihkan kulit yang bernoda. Anda bisa membasuh bekas olesan lidah buaya di wajah ini dengan air bersih.
Manfaat Lidah buaya untuk perawatan kulit berminyak bisa juga dijadikan sebagai masker wajah. Berikut resepnya:
Manfaat Lidah buaya untuk perawatan kulit berminyak bisa juga dijadikan sebagai masker wajah. Berikut resepnya:
- 1 sendok makan masker lumpur
- 1 sendok makan jus lidah buaya
- 1 sendok makan tepung hazel
- air secukupnya untuk membuat bahan-bahan ini jadi pasta
- tambahkan 1 tetes essential tea tree oil
- 1 tetes essential oil lavender
- 1 tetes essential oil peppermint
Kurma Dan Manfaatnya Untuk Tubuh
Kurma merupakan sejenis tanaman palma yang banyak ditanam di daerah jazirah Arab dan sebagian orang menganggap kurma hanya hidup di padang pasir. Namun di daerah lain yang memiliki tingkat kekeringan cukup tinggi, kurma juga dapat hidup. Kini, buah yang rasanya manis itu menjadi komoditas pertanian andalan yang laku keras untuk dijual oleh bangsaa Arab, Afrika dan China.
Buah padang pasir ini mengandung berbagai vitamin yang diperlukan oleh tubuh yaitu vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, zat besi, vitamin B. Riboflavin dan niasin misalnya, akan membantu melepaskan energi dari makanan, sementara thiamin membantu melepaskan energi dari karbohidrat. Vitamin A dan niasin memainkan peranan dalam membentuk dan memelihara kulit yang sehat. Thiamin penting bagi sel-sel saraf, sementara niasin menjaga fungsi normal saraf.
Mineral, Magnesium dan Kalium juga sangat banyak ditemukan dalam kurma yang cukup bisa diandalkan untuk membantu kinerja tubuh menjadi lebih baik. Kandungan zat dalam kurma membuat usus menjadi lunak dan aktif sehingga secara alamiah seseorang secara mudah dapat buang air besar.
Manfaat Kurma dan Sari buah Kurma adalah:
- Meningkatkan energi seketika
- Ketahanan tubuh selama berpuasa
- Menormalkan tekanan darah
- Menyehatkan jantung
- Mengatasi keletihan
- Sari madu kurma menyembuhkan anemia
- Meningkatkan HB dan Trombosit (penyembuhan DBD dan Typus)
- Sari madu kurma memperkuat daya tahan tubuh terhadap penyakit
- Meningkatkan stamina tubuh
- Mencegah pengeroposan tulang (Osteoporosis)
- Melancarkan Buang Air Besar
- Sangat baik untuk nutrisi ibu hamil/menyusui
- Memudahkan keluarnya dahak
- Baik untuk pertumbuhan tulang pada anak-anak
- Sari kurma melancarkan pencernaan
- Memperbanyak dan memberi GIZI pada ibu yang sedang menyusui
- Sari madu kurma mencerdaskan bayi dan anak
- Menambah energi untuk ibu hamil
- Memperkuat kandungan
- Sari madu kurma mengatasi Demam Berdarah
- Maag, Diabetes
- Kolesterol
- Radang Tenggorokan
- Diare
- Flu
Buah padang pasir ini mengandung berbagai vitamin yang diperlukan oleh tubuh yaitu vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, zat besi, vitamin B. Riboflavin dan niasin misalnya, akan membantu melepaskan energi dari makanan, sementara thiamin membantu melepaskan energi dari karbohidrat. Vitamin A dan niasin memainkan peranan dalam membentuk dan memelihara kulit yang sehat. Thiamin penting bagi sel-sel saraf, sementara niasin menjaga fungsi normal saraf.
Mineral, Magnesium dan Kalium juga sangat banyak ditemukan dalam kurma yang cukup bisa diandalkan untuk membantu kinerja tubuh menjadi lebih baik. Kandungan zat dalam kurma membuat usus menjadi lunak dan aktif sehingga secara alamiah seseorang secara mudah dapat buang air besar.
Manfaat Kurma dan Sari buah Kurma adalah:
- Meningkatkan energi seketika
- Ketahanan tubuh selama berpuasa
- Menormalkan tekanan darah
- Menyehatkan jantung
- Mengatasi keletihan
- Sari madu kurma menyembuhkan anemia
- Meningkatkan HB dan Trombosit (penyembuhan DBD dan Typus)
- Sari madu kurma memperkuat daya tahan tubuh terhadap penyakit
- Meningkatkan stamina tubuh
- Mencegah pengeroposan tulang (Osteoporosis)
- Melancarkan Buang Air Besar
- Sangat baik untuk nutrisi ibu hamil/menyusui
- Memudahkan keluarnya dahak
- Baik untuk pertumbuhan tulang pada anak-anak
- Sari kurma melancarkan pencernaan
- Memperbanyak dan memberi GIZI pada ibu yang sedang menyusui
- Sari madu kurma mencerdaskan bayi dan anak
- Menambah energi untuk ibu hamil
- Memperkuat kandungan
- Sari madu kurma mengatasi Demam Berdarah
- Maag, Diabetes
- Kolesterol
- Radang Tenggorokan
- Diare
- Flu
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